Professional Placement, Direct Hire

Contingent on the level of opportunity, skills and prerequisites our experience has found that a considerable percentage of quality, elite, and exceptional Associates available in the job market do not read job boards, do not keep their resumes circulating, and are not interested in contract-to-hire opportunities.

These Associates are individuals, who are solutions to the problems, and seize the initiative to do what is necessary, consistent with correct principles to get the job done.

They recognize the difference between general market and executive recruiting. For this reason, they partner with our team of Executive Recruiters to obtain their next professional career match.

Be one of the first to interview these Associates, by partnering with our firm. Identifying and approaching these hidden prospects is not easy, even for the most astute hiring manager; however, that is what our team of trained and experienced recruiters attain every day.

Our fees are payable, only if, you engage the services of an associate referred to you by our office.

Contact our office today to learn more about the benefits of working with us.